Friday, May 8, 2009

Dream Big

Good news!!! My computer is fixed and I didn't lose much when they had to rebuild my computer! Yay!!!! You never really appreciate your computer until it doesn't work anymore.

In not so other good news.....I hate my job. I sometimes don't really stop to think what my work all entails. I guess I never have had a job that requires you to sit in one spot your entire shift. My new job requires me to sit in a gray cubicle. I can see the top of a window over the cubicles in the row behind me. I answer phone calls mostly of people complaining about their hotel stays or their bills. I really don't care about the people. I feel bad about them, but really, I can't help people. I just take down their concerns, thank them for calling, and then wait for the next call to come in. I can definitely say sitting in a chair for extended periods of time is not my cup of tea. I like to move around, help people, have a change in job duties occasionally. It's kind of a depressing job, and it doesn't pay the greatest either. So, I've been looking at a few other options. Mostly ones that are exciting and I hope work out.

Please cross your fingers for me in hopes that I find what I'm looking for!!!