Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Year, New Me?

I'm settled in Aberdeen. I have an apartment one block from school, so that helps with my exercise plan! I'm still working as a CNA in a nursing home, but I'm hoping that will change soon. I have classes three days a week and I should be studying more than I am. With my work schedule, I just feel exhausted most of the time!

I feel as though I've made the right decision in attending school on campus. I'm anxiously awaiting graduation, though. I hope it will all be a breeze! The only part, besides my job, that I don't like is not knowing very many people. In Pierre, even though I didn't know a lot of people, I could go to Steven and Lisa's to hang out, go exercise at the Y, I knew where things were, what to do, etc. In Aberdeen, I don't have the close relationship with my coworkers like I did in Pierre. I don't know what to do in my down-time(when I actually have some).

I was going to take classes over the summer months, but I think this summer, I will get a job during the day time through the school hopefully-kind of an internship. I think a break from classes may be beneficial to me. It's also going to be a busy summer with weddings again. Too bad two weddings are on the same weekend in different states, so I can't go to the one in Pierre:(

My life is boring, but busy. Thanks for stopping by!