Friday, September 23, 2011

It's So Hard To Say Goodbye to Yesterday

It seems that lately, there has been so much tragedy and sadness. My best friend from grade school and another good friend and former coworker are currently battling cancer. A friend and old coworker just passed away and will be buried today. Some of my other friends are hurting because of the death of a friend and coworker. It reminds me of a song that I recently heard called, "Blessings." The song talks about how our trials are our mercies in disguise. We don't know any reason, but we have to believe that there is an underlying reason for our trials because there are so many blessings that we receive every single second. Some of these blessings are not evident unless you look deep inside your soul and listen.

My friend Darlene that will be laid to rest today was a wonderful woman that I met ten years ago when we were both doing hospital orientation. Later on, we both worked at a local nursing home, and Darlene became good friends with my mom. Darlene and my mom were kindred spirits and had similar interests and views. She always looked out for others around her. I'm ashamed at myself for not keeping in touch with her since she moved out to the hills. I hope she and my mom are in heaven reminicing about the good times.

Our time on Earth is so precious and short. We have the burden and responsibility to try to make it a better place for everyone. Our time will end here. It could be today or 50 years from now. It's time for me to live my life because who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Well, I couldn't decide what to title my post. So, I chose the song that I'm currently listening to: "Impulsive" by Wilson-Phillips. I realized it's been a year since I last posted! Yikes!

My year has been uneventful. Work, school, eat, sleep, repeat. I did take an awesome trip to California in June. It was my first airplane ride ever. I went to San Francisco, then San Jose for a conference for school. It was so awesome and I want to return someday soon.

Currently, I'm still in Aberdeen with NSU. Hopefully, I will soon be moving to the big city of Sioux Falls. I am hoping to transfer to their University Center. I want to change my major to Communications so I can do what I originally set out to do! Also, Aberdeen lacks good, quality jobs for evening time. That's when I have to work full time. SuFu has a better job market and more possibilities.

Next post will be more entertaining.....I promise. Maybe I should try to get some sleep. This insomnia is for the birds!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

....and the beat goes on.....

So, not much has been happening since I last blogged. I finished the semester off with making the dean's list. I'm taking a class this summer online, but I'm hoping to change schools. I don't want to leave my professors and friends I'm making in my department, but sometimes, a person just needs to do what they need to do. I'm considering two different colleges that I can get all of my classes online! After getting that set up, then I'm free to live wherever I want to live. The only problem is, I'm not sure where that place is. Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom.

Yesterday would have been my mom's 66th birthday. While I miss her every day, I feel like she's in Heaven looking down on us. I can't help but think about what my mom would think about me going to school. Would she come visit me often? Would she come and support the NSU clubs and sports? Would I have even gone back to school had she still been alive?

I've come to realize that I miss my mom for the person she was, not just because she was my mother. She was my biggest fan, a great friend, and another person who willingly would go on any adventure I proposed.

I hope she had a great birthday in Heaven.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Today was the first time I went to Christmas Eve mass that was not either in Onida or with my parents. I have never missed a Christmas Eve mass in all the years that I can remember. Sometimes when I was younger, we'd go to Blunt or Pierre if there was a scheduling problem and Onida didn't have one, but in the most recent past, I have always gone to Onida. It was a very weird feeling, and it didn't seem like Christmas Eve mass to me. I guess I'm used to the traditions of Onida. Some people may find this odd because I admit I haven't been very good about attending church on a regular basis, but that doesn't mean I'm any less spiritual. I have my reasons, and they aren't easy to explain in 500 words or fewer. I just don't want people to judge me, because they really don't understand or know what's going on inside my head.

Sometime tonight, a storm is supposed to be coming through. I hope it's not as bad as they are predicting because I have to work Christmas Day! I don't want to have to call anyone for a ride. The last time the maintenance man gave me a ride because of bad weather, he forgot to take me home!

As the new year is quickly approaching, I've been thinking of resolutions. I know I never keep them, and every year I resolve never to make resolutions, but I need to work on exercising more, studying more, and getting more involved in my world. I might as well start with the new year when I make these changes.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Big Sigh

It's officially the end of the fall term! I spent the last week studying for exams, and I don't think I did very well at all. I couldn't seem to collect my thoughts and absorb the information. I think I will pass all my classes, I just won't have high marks in several of them. However, I got an A in College Algebra. That was one of the classes I was most dreading. I will have to rain a bit on my parade because I didn't take the final exam and the professor changed the grading system. Technically, I should have gotten a B, but I'm glad the system got changed. He made the final optional. If we were happy with our grade before the final, then we didn't have to take it. He also only took the three highest grades out of four tests to average the points.

I am excited for next semester. I'm taking a huge leap by adding more classes than in previous semesters. I will be taking six classes. Usually I only take four. My classes will be more focused on my intended degrees, well, except for Speech, but I just needed to get that out of the way and done. I am hoping to take summer courses also so I can be done with all my generals. I just hope they offer what I need. I still have to take my blasted wellness class.....argh!!!!

I've got a couple of weeks until classes start again. Hopefully I can relax and rest up. I may be picking up shifts at the nursing home in Pierre since Manorcare is overly staffed and a little low on census. We'll have to wait and see how everything works out!

Bon soir!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It's the beginning of December-which marks the beginning of a very busy month!

Last weekend was when all my siblings got together to visit and have a family dinner. It's very rare that every one of us are able to get together, so it was very nice. I made a turkey for the first time ever! I thought I would totally ruin it, but other than the fact that Karla didn't see the giblets inside and they got cooked with the turkey, it turned out okay.

Next week is finals. I'm a little leery about a few of them. Luckily, my college algebra final is optional. I currently have a B in it, and I'm fine with that! I just hope I pass all my classes. They aren't very fun this semester, and I do not want to retake any of them! I'm excited for next semester classes because they seem all very interesting.

The weekend after finals, I will be watching Janel's kids overnight while they go to Deadwood for Mike's company Christmas party. It will be interesting! Hopefully, they will be on their best behaviors!

I'm not sure what I'll be doing for Christmas this year. I know I work Christmas Day, but I am off Christmas Eve. My cousin who lives not too far from me has invited me down, but I don't know what their plans are either.

Soon will be New Years. I never do anything on New Years, so I'm not sure if I will work, go out, leave town, or what I will do. Whatever it is, I hope to have fun!