Saturday, July 3, 2010

....and the beat goes on.....

So, not much has been happening since I last blogged. I finished the semester off with making the dean's list. I'm taking a class this summer online, but I'm hoping to change schools. I don't want to leave my professors and friends I'm making in my department, but sometimes, a person just needs to do what they need to do. I'm considering two different colleges that I can get all of my classes online! After getting that set up, then I'm free to live wherever I want to live. The only problem is, I'm not sure where that place is. Any suggestions?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom.

Yesterday would have been my mom's 66th birthday. While I miss her every day, I feel like she's in Heaven looking down on us. I can't help but think about what my mom would think about me going to school. Would she come visit me often? Would she come and support the NSU clubs and sports? Would I have even gone back to school had she still been alive?

I've come to realize that I miss my mom for the person she was, not just because she was my mother. She was my biggest fan, a great friend, and another person who willingly would go on any adventure I proposed.

I hope she had a great birthday in Heaven.