Saturday, April 11, 2009

Swing Life Away

I feel as if a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I am starting my new job in just a few days. Even though I'm not sure if I will really like it or if I can financially afford another cut in pay, I'm just so glad to be away from the nursing home. There is no one single major cause for making me hate my job. There are just so many little things. I made some great friends at the nursing home and I hope I can still keep in contact with all of them.

It's the day before Easter and I've never been so glad I don't have children! I spent my morning arguing with kids about cleaning the house. They think they are so over worked. They have no idea! When I was their age, we spent every Saturday cleaning the entire house! Maybe that's why I hate cleaning house now. It's burn out from when we were kids.

Hope everyone(all 2 readers) have a Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

Like you were ever overworked as a child! And be nice to my children and they will be nice back!