Saturday, December 19, 2009

Big Sigh

It's officially the end of the fall term! I spent the last week studying for exams, and I don't think I did very well at all. I couldn't seem to collect my thoughts and absorb the information. I think I will pass all my classes, I just won't have high marks in several of them. However, I got an A in College Algebra. That was one of the classes I was most dreading. I will have to rain a bit on my parade because I didn't take the final exam and the professor changed the grading system. Technically, I should have gotten a B, but I'm glad the system got changed. He made the final optional. If we were happy with our grade before the final, then we didn't have to take it. He also only took the three highest grades out of four tests to average the points.

I am excited for next semester. I'm taking a huge leap by adding more classes than in previous semesters. I will be taking six classes. Usually I only take four. My classes will be more focused on my intended degrees, well, except for Speech, but I just needed to get that out of the way and done. I am hoping to take summer courses also so I can be done with all my generals. I just hope they offer what I need. I still have to take my blasted wellness class.....argh!!!!

I've got a couple of weeks until classes start again. Hopefully I can relax and rest up. I may be picking up shifts at the nursing home in Pierre since Manorcare is overly staffed and a little low on census. We'll have to wait and see how everything works out!

Bon soir!